New Jersey sees lags in new school breakfast payment option

New Jersey schools are behind the curve in taking advantage of a new option that can bring more federal dollars into school districts to pay for meals for low-income children, according to a new national report.

Just 35 percent of eligible, high-poverty New Jersey schools have taken advantage of the Community Eligibility Provision compared to more than half of schools nationwide, according to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). This option allows school districts to reduce paperwork and provide meals free to all students, while earning higher federal per-meal reimbursements.

Nationally, in the 2015–2016 school year, more than 18,000 high – poverty schools in nearly 3,000 school districts have adopted community eligibility, an increase of about 4,000 schools compared to the prior year according to FRAC. This was the second year of nationwide availability of this option.

Almost all states, including New Jersey, increased the number of districts implementing community eligibility, however the rise in the number of participating districts varied considerably across states. Some states doubled or nearly doubled their participating districts.

Some New Jersey districts have been reluctant to take advantage of the new option because they fear loss of state education aid, which is based in part on the school meals applications that most districts still collect. However, under community eligibility, districts are not required to collect those applications.

The New Jersey Department of Education has provided a household income survey that districts can use in place of the school meal applications. Information only has to be collected for students who are not directly certified through their enrollment in other assistance programs. Some districts, including Paterson, Union City and Camden, are successfully using community eligibility and have reported an increase in students receiving meals at school, coupled with a reduction in paperwork. Other high-poverty districts including Atlantic City, Bridgeton, and Trenton have yet to take advantage of this option.

The provision became available nationwide in the 2014–2015 school year. According to the report, schools across the country have quickly adopted it due to its many benefits to children in high-poverty schools. It not only eliminates redundant paperwork, but can also increase the number of vulnerable children who receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school each day, giving them the nutrition they need to concentrate and learn.

Students in households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance program or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) can be identified through data matching, a process known as “direct certification.” Other students who can  automatically be enrolled for free meals  are homeless, migrant, runaways, and those in Head Start or foster care. For more information please visit
The Food for Thought School Breakfast Campaign is a partnership of state agencies, child advocates, anti-hunger coalitions, statewide education organizations and national organizations.

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