Volpe foundation gears up for annual golf outing

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

JACKSON – The James Volpe Foundation will host its fifth annual golf classic at the Pine Barrens Golf Club, Jackson, on June 20. More than 100 golfers are expected to participate in an event that will assist local students, families and organizations.

The foundation is named for James Volpe, a Jackson Memorial High School senior who died in a motor vehicle accident in 2011. Volpe was a baseball player at Jackson Memorial and was planning to attend Kean University.

“This golf outing is a big part of what we do in order to be able to help people,” said John Mucia Jr., the foundation’s vice president. “It’s always a nice day on a nice course.”

Registration and check-in will begin at 10:30 a.m. The driving range will be open prior to the shotgun start.

From 12:30 p.m. until the evening’s festivities, up to 120 golfers will compete for the top spot and a $500 gift certificate at the Pine Barrens Golf Club that will be good for one foursome.

Participants will be able to try their hand at a shootout competition and a closest to the pin contest.

The entry fee for each golfer is $200 and includes access to the club’s facilities, lunch and dinner. Corporate sponsorships are available from $250 to $1,500. Individuals who do not want to golf may make a $40 donation and attend a buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m.

During dinner, attendees will enjoy barbecue and beverages, a gift auction, a 50/50 raffle and an awards presentation.

Mucia thanked the community for its ongoing support of the foundation and said that in terms of revenue, the golf outing is the organization’s largest annual fundraiser. The foundation also hosts a Wiffle Ball tourmament and a winter dance. Over the years these events have raised about $70,000, he said.

The foundation provides scholarships to students at Jackson Liberty and Jackson Memorial high schools, holiday gifts and food to families in need, sports equipment for various leagues and it supports a Students Against Destructive Decisions chapter at Jackson Memorial.

Mucia said the organization’s directors have begun discussing the possibility of establishing a new scholarship with Ocean County College, Toms River.

“We are able to start expanding because we are starting to consistently get such a good turnout with our donor base,” he said. “The loyalty that Jackson and surrounding communities have had for this foundation is great. They are really the people to thank.”

For more information, visit www.jamesvolpefoundation.org