County freeholders came through with tax cut

Let me publicly express my appreciation to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders for the tremendous job they have done in arriving at their new county budget.

While our taxes seem ever to be increasing, it is noteworthy that the hikes we have and are continuing to see are not coming by the hands of our freeholders.  Monmouth County taxes have actually decreased.

Thanks to the hard work by Freehold Director Tom Arnone and Deputy Director Serena DiMaso in constructing the Monmouth County budget, the spending has been cut by $18.2 million which has the net effect of cutting our property taxes by $4.9 million.

Because of the years and years of consolidation, shared service agreements and other cost-cutting measures enacted by our freeholders, decreased property taxes for residents of Monmouth County will at long last be a reality. If school boards and municipal governments could exert some backbone and operate within a realistic budget, we might actually begin paying less across the board on our property tax bills.

Director Arnone and Deputy Director DiMaso are to be commended for their honesty, integrity and fiscal responsibility. Monmouth County needs them if we are to keep our county a great place to live.

Jane Scott Fields
Freehold Borough