The dedication of the new Long Branch boardwalk and official opening which took place recently was a wonderful event and a long time in coming. All of you, the mayor, Mr. Woolley and the Long Branch City Council, and all the many people who worked on it since superstorm Sandy should be congratulated. It’s beautiful.
Along with all of you and for many years before Sandy and after Sandy, we have fought hard and worked with you and the previous city council to improve and develop the Long Branch boardwalk and Ocean Avenue roadway and make crossing Ocean Boulevard to get to the boardwalk and beaches safer.
The city of Long Branch is very fortunate to be the only beach community with historical bluffs, a Seven Presidents past history and two Green Acres traffic-free linear parks next to the boardwalk overlooking the ocean.
You are all now deciding about the finishing touches for the boardwalk and the final “quality of life” issues for all the residents and people who use the boardwalk and roadways. We urge you in the strongest of terms to keep up your efforts and do the following, which many hundreds and hundreds of people have told us over the years and especially now.
1. Keep all traffic off Ocean Avenue in the south Green Acre linear park from Brighton Avenue to South Bath Avenue.
2. Restore the bike path along Ocean Avenue from Brighton Avenue north and connect it with the bike path in the north Green Acres traffic-free linear park.
3. Continue all your efforts at restoring the Seven Presidents art history boards and enhancements in the Green Acre linear parks and along the boardwalk with shade areas, landscaping, more benches, bicycle racks, doggie bags, etc.
You have in your power and in your legacy as our city government officials to make the new boardwalk just restored, after all these years of hard work and effort, or to make the new boardwalk a great one and unique to Long Branch with traffic-free parks and a bike path for people and families to use along the ocean.
We urge you to go the final distance and make the new boardwalk and roadway very special and so great that all the people will enjoy its natural beauty and safety from cars and traffic.
Dennis Sherman
Chairman, Safe Ocean Avenue Committee of Long Branch
Long Branch