Millstone school district honors Support Persons of the Year

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – Administrators in the Millstone Township K-8 School District have named the district’s support persons of the year.

Support persons are not teachers, but can be any other school district employee whose actions add to the overall performance of the district.

At the Millstone Township Primary School, where pupils in pre-kindergarten through second grade are educated, the Support Person of the Year is Natalie Lombardo, the secretary to the principal who has worked in the district for 10 years.

“Natalie is so deserving of this award,” Principal Trisha Bogusz said. “She is many times the first person that new parents and students meet in the district when they come to the primary school’s main office. More importantly, Mrs. Lomabrdo assists each and every staff member with whatever they need each day. She truly is the heart and soul of our main office and always has a smile for our students.”

At the Millstone Township Elementary School, where pupils in grades three through five are educated, the Support Person of the Year is Swati Goudar, an instructional aide for third grade pupils who has worked in the district for 11 years.

“Ms. Goudar is a treasured member of our learning community,” Principal Suzanne Guidry said. “Her professionalism and kindness never go unnoticed and we are so fortunate to have her working with our students.”

At the Millstone Township Middle School, where students in grades six through eight are educated, the Support Person of the Year is Barbara Ostrander, the secretary to the principal who has worked in the district for 13 years.

“Barb does everything imaginable to help the school run smoothly on a daily basis,” Principal Christopher Huss said. “She is the backbone of the school who provides  continual support for students, parents, teachers and administrators. She is one of those people whose work often goes unnoticed because she does it so well. However, in the rare instance when Barb is out, everything she does is quickly brought to light. I honestly cannot think of a more deserving person for this award.”

Mike Trojanowski was recognized as the district Support Person of the Year. Trojanowski has worked in the district for 12 years and holds the positions of attendance officer and mail courier.

“Mike’s camaraderie is second to none, he always comes in with a smile,” Superintendent of Schools Scott Feder said. “You never hear him complain about any deliveries, coming or going. As a retired police officer, his knowledge becomes very valuable as our attendance officer; not to mention we value the knowledge he has to offer. We could not find a nicer, more pleasant person to be part of our team.”