A well-deserved thanks to Princeton-Blairstown Center volunteers

Pam Gregory, Princeton-Blairstown Center
In honor of National Volunteer Week (April 10-16), I would like to take this opportunity to thank the more than 150 volunteers who work to benefit the student participants of the Princeton-Blairstown Center.
Princeton-Blairstown Center (PBC) seeks to transform the lives of vulnerable young people through integrated experiential and adventure-based programming in schools and at our outdoor campus. We collaborate with schools, university partners, and community-based agencies to develop in youth deepened self-awareness, responsible decision-making, teamwork, and leadership skills.
Each year, our progressive programs serve nearly 6,000 young people from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. None of the work we do would be possible without the dedication and effort of our Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and others who give much of their time to advance PBC’s mission.
Whether it is by helping to plan our upcoming golf outing or our fall Soirée Under the Stars, working to develop our strategic goals for the future, or preparing our Blairstown Campus for the winter during Woodcutter’s Weekend, all of these volunteers make PBC’s unique brand of social emotional learning possible for the thousands underserved youth we help each year. 
Thank you volunteers! You’re our heroes and we salute you! 
Pam Gregory 
President & CEO 
Princeton-Blairstown Center 