Make a push to help cure Alzheimer’s disease

Jeannie Castells, Lambertville
In these fractious days in our nation’s capitol, it is hard to imagine that our lawmakers can agree on anything. But as thousands of Alzheimer’s Advocates converged on Capitol Hill on April 6, it became clear that curing Alzheimer’s has strong bi-partisan support in both the House and Senate.
The reason is simple: Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in America. This year alone, Medicare and Medicaid will spend $160 billion on Alzheimer’s for the 5.3 Americans currently stricken.
As the Alzheimer’s Association Ambassador to Congressman Leonard Lance, my year-round mission is to shine a light on this cruel and long-lasting disease. But on April 6, I also visited many other Congressional offices to spotlight how, without a cure, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s will be 13.8 million by 2050. And the government’s cost will rise to over $1 trillion.
No wonder medical experts and lawmakers agree: If we don’t stop Alzheimer’s, it will bankrupt America.
Right now, Alzheimer’s is the third leading cause of death among seniors yet it has no prevention, no treatment and no cure. That’s why Alzheimer’s Advocates asked every lawmaker on Capitol Hill to support $400 million more in 2017 to speed up research. We must find a cure ASAP to this emotionally devastating and financially disastrous disease. With bipartisan support, it is starting to look more hopeful than ever. 
Jeannie Castells 
Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Lambertville 