Monmouth Conservation Foundation launches awareness campaign

Monmouth Conservation Foundation has created an awareness campaign to take action on the issues facing critical species through the launch of Kids for Conservation/Project Pollinator.

All Monmouth County preschool and kindergarten classes were invited to participate in an interactive contest to teach children about the importance of pollinators. Participating schools are entered to win a $1,500 first-place grant, and two $500 second-place grants to their schools through submission of a pollinator inspired class art project.

In partnership with the Monmouth University School of Education, each school has been provided with a pollinator lesson plan. Contest art submissions must demonstrate what the class learned through an artistic interpretation. Monmouth Arts is assisting by providing judges to determine contest winners.  The contest submission deadline is May 16.  Additionally, each child will be provided with a pollinator attracting seed packet to begin a garden at home. Children and adults alike are invited to participate. Monmouth Conservation Foundation is providing free seed packets to the public to begin growing their own garden today.

The following upcoming events are also announced:

June 5, 12-4 p.m. – Kids for Conservation Family Day Event in celebration of pollinators at Huber Woods Park, Middletown. A free afternoon of fun, spring themed activities for the whole family with a live butterfly demonstration, contest submission art show, face painting, nature walk, scavenger hunt, and refreshments. For more information, visit or call 732-671-7000.