The Greater Shore Concert Band to perform May 3

Reformation Lutheran Church, 992 Broadway, West Long Branch, will present an evening of music featuring the Greater Shore Concert Band at 7:30 p.m. May 3. The Greater Shore Concert Band began its 49th season in September 2015.  Its members are local citizens from a broad spectrum of careers and ages who love music and performing together.

Mr. James R. Bast, has been the director for the past 28 years. Mr. Bast, a graduate of Gettysburg College and a Veteran of the U.S. Army, is retired from teaching in the Wall Township School System. He received a Masters of Music Education degree from Temple University and his Principal/Supervisory Certification from Georgian Court College. This is his forty-fourth year with the Greater Shore Concert Band, having previously served as the Band’s Associate Conductor for twenty years.

The concert will be held in the church sanctuary. Refreshments will be served. A free will offering will be received. For more information, visit the Greater Shore Concert Band’s web site at or email [email protected].