Cookies depict phases of the moon at Montessori science fair

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Young scientists at Kids First Montessori created a working volcano, a moving replica of the planet Saturn and phases of the moon using chocolate sandwich cookies during the school’s first science fair.

Fifty students age 3-5 displayed their science exhibits on topics such as gravity, condensation, layers of the Earth, states of matter and density on April 22, according to a statement prepared by teacher Mary Ezzo.

“As family and friends visited each station, the children were more than eager to share what they learned and answer questions. On the subject of dinosaurs, Vivek is well versed as he stands up from his chair and happily explains that dinosaur means terrible lizard, and that they lived a long time ago before an asteroid made them extinct. Vivek further talks about fossils and enthusiastically pronounces the names of the dinosaurs on his display including his three favorites: tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops and velociraptor. At another prominent science station sits Riddhi who talks about our solar system in a quiet, but confident voice. Riddhi explains how the nine planets revolve around the sun, and she is quick to point out that Venus spins in the opposite direction of the others. When asked what her favorite planet is, Riddhi says, ‘Mars because Mickey goes on it,’” Ezzo said.

“After leaving the solar system, a plethora of rocks and minerals is seen surrounding Colby. Colby is proud to hand passersby a magnifying glass to examine his extensive rock collection. Closely located near Colby’s display is Anirudh who sits in front of multiple depictions of the phases of the moon. Anirudh’s tri-fold board utilizes white, Styrofoam plates inked in black to show us a solar eclipse which he describes as when the moon goes behind the sun. Apart from Anirudh’s tri-fold board, he has a tray of Oreo cookies with the white middles shaped to conform to the phases of the moon. Notably, one of these cookies needed to be replaced before the science fair started,” she continued.

The curriculum developed by Kids First Montessori owner and teacher Madhavi Veerapaneni includes interactive, hands on learning materials.

“Children are natural observers who are fascinated to learn how things work,” she said.

The Science Fair was also designed to teach the children presentation skills, public speaking, confidence and creativity. Each child introduced his or her own science project before being awarded a personalized Science Star medal during an awards ceremony.

Kids First Montessori School is located at 143 New Road, Monmouth Junction. For more information, call 732-940-7888.