Holmdel church to host classical performance by three locals teens May 15

Three teenage musicians, under the direction of Miae Park, will perform several classical compositions at 3 p.m. on May 15 at The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd in Holmdel.

Tommy Choi, age 18, on piano, of Holmdel High School, Kaylee Wang, age 16, on flute, of High Technology High School/Julliard Pre-College, and Jessica Hong, age 18, on cello, of Holmdel High School/Julliard Pre-College, will play selections from Weber, Chopin, Dvorak and Mozart.

The director of the concert, Miae Park, is the organist and choir director at The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd.

The concert, which will last for about an hour, is free and open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to make a free will offering which will be donated to The Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.

Refreshments will be served after the concert. The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd is located at 112 Middletown Road, Holmdel. For more information, call 732-842-4596.