Ocean Twp. school board passes budget

By Kenny Walter
Staff Writer

OCEAN TOWSNHIP- The Ocean Township School District has approved a spending plan for 2016, when the board of education adopted the $78.3 million budget during the April 26 board meeting.

“The 2016-2017 school budget is designed to expand educational initiatives and to efficiently staff our schools,” Superintendent Jim Stefankiewicz said in a statement posted on the district website. “This budget reflects our district’s commitment to quality education for a diverse student population.

“The 2016-2017 school budget strives to provide all of our children with a rich, challenging, equitable and developmentally appropriate education. While we are doing well, we still have many challenges to face to ensure that all children achieve to the best of their ability. The budget is both educationally sound and fiscally responsible.”

The tax levy will increase $1.2 million from last year, bringing the total to $61.4 million.

The levy increases by 2 percent and Stefankiewicz said the district has taken on several shared service agreements to keep the levy as low as possible.

“As a result of the 2 percent cap, our school district strives to contain costs through numerous shared service agreements with other school districts and the Township of Ocean municipality,” he said.” Such an agreement provides the Deal School with maintenance and cafeteria services and the Long Branch School District with school bus mechanic services.

“These services are provided on a time and material basis by Ocean Township School District employees. The board of education continues to provide a former conference room in the administration building to the Ocean Township Chamber of Commerce for office space for approximately $10,000 per year in rent.”

The Ocean Township School District educates approximately 3,000 students from kindergarten to 12th grade.