PRINCETON: Tim Quinn would add value to council

Lindsey Forden, Princeton
I have known Tim Quinn for over a decade and I support his candidacy for Princeton Council.
I first met Tim when I was working as director of development at Princeton Public Library. It soon became apparent to me that Tim loved Princeton and had a deep understanding of our diverse town. He was equally comfortable interacting with trustees, town council, donors and library customers from all walks of life. He was a strong advocate for providing services to library customers and the town in general.
His exemplary work at the library during Superstorm Sandy highlighted his dedication to our town. His leadership was instrumental in keeping the library open during the days following the storm, when thousands of people in Princeton were without power.
He brought a similar passion to his work on the Princeton Board of Education and his steadfast leadership during his time as president of the board helped our school district through a leadership transition, among other challenges. My two daughters, and many other families in town, benefited from his leadership.
Tim is a great listener, collaborator and values the opinions of others. He is deliberative and gathers information before reaching a conclusion about a particular topic. Having considered an issue, Tim is able to explain complex policy matters in a way that makes sense. His understanding of local institutions, businesses and Princeton’s history inform all of his work.
I think he’d add great value to Princeton Council. 
Lindsey Forden 
Princeton 