Eric Sucar

Winner of Keyport GardenWalk art contest announced

Keyport GardenWalk has announced Grace Winrow Sharpe, owner/artist of Grace Your Space, submitted the winning artwork for the fifth annual Keyport GardenWalk Art Contest. Sharpe’s painting, “A Gift,” will be used in all Keyport GardenWalk publicity and merchandise.

Keyport GardenWalk is a free, walking/biking tour of approximately 35 public and private Keyport gardens. Keyport GardenWalk is scheduled from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. June 4 and 5.

The weekend’s festivities will include free pedicab rides as well as music by Vinny Kyne, Frank Patrouch and the Porch Players at Nora’s.

Free GardenTalks will take place each morning at 9:30 a.m. at Keyport Borough Hall. The topic for the June 4 GardenTalk is “Sizzling Summer Bulbs,” and the June 5 topic is “Great Garden Day Trips for Your Hort Bucket List.” Register for the GardenTalks by contacting [email protected].

For more information about Keyport GardenWalk, visit