Student Says: Fifth graders help fight hunger

The following letter was written by Monroe Township High School junior Jennifer Du as part of her work for the school’s Honor Society.

Who says elementary school students are too young to help fight hunger? Since the beginning of this year, Monroe Township fifth graders have been proving that anyone, both young and old, can make an impact on the world.

The fifth graders participated in the town’s annual art fundraiser, Empty Bowls, in which they created pots that would be auctioned off at the Monroe Township Art Show.

They began prepping for the auction by working with their art teachers to design clay pots. Using various techniques, such as pinching and engraving, the children created beautiful, unique bowls.

Most recently, the fifth graders headed to Monroe Township High School where they decorated their pottery. As they made their way over, the members of the high school’s National Art Honor Society (NAHS), led by Ms. Bulkley, set up tables, paint and brushes and glazed the children’s pots.

When the excited children arrived, the NAHS students, the fifth graders and high school art teachers Mr. Virelles and Ms. Bulkley gathered together for a huge photo.

After the photo was taken, the children began painting their pots all sorts of colors, from lemon yellow to bright red.

Unfortunately, the fun couldn’t last forever, and the children had to return to school. Meanwhile, the high schoolers began placing the beautiful pots into the kiln.

If you would like to help support the fifth graders and fight hunger, please purchase a pot at the art show, which will be held on May 16 in the high school, 200 Schoolhouse Road, Monroe.