Safety tips for allergy sufferers when it comes to medications

NEWARK – Spring allergy season is here and health experts expect it to get much worse before it gets better. The prolonged period of wet weather is keeping the pollen at bay, but once things dry up, expect symptoms to increase. Allergy sufferers know the symptoms…sneezing, watery itchy eyes, nasal congestion and runny nose This has prompted sufferers to go to their local pharmacy/supermarket to seek medicine to relieve the discomfort associated with their allergies.

The NJ Poison Experts encourage consumers to exercise caution when taking allergy medicines or when giving them to a child. There is a common misconception that non-prescription over-the-counter (OTC) medicines aren’t dangerous because they’re sold without a prescription. Such medicines may, in fact, produce serious side effects to those taking them.

“Remember, all medicines have side effects, whether prescription or over-the-counter,” said Bruce Ruck, Pharm.D., NJ Poison Center. “We want to raise awareness about the potential side effects from OTC and prescription allergy medications. Effects can range from agitation to drowsiness and/or stomach upset to liver damage.”

Before you reach for any allergy medication, either OTC or prescription, review the following tips to prevent problems related to medication use:

Almost all allergy medications can cause drowsiness. These side effects can cause operating equipment and driving to be dangerous. Be mindful of taking other medicines that can also cause drowsiness.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while taking medicine, including allergy medicine.  Mixing the two together can prove dangerous.

Allergy medications may interfere with vision.  Blurring of vision may occur and interfere with driving and similar skills.

Select medications that treat ONLY the symptoms you have.  For example, use a decongestant if you are congested, but only use a decongestant with a cough suppressant if you have a cough as well.

Watch for duplicate active ingredients in products taken at the same time.  Many times medications with different names and even different intended purposes contain the same active ingredients. Taking these together, can result in serious overdose.

Remember that more does not mean better. Don’t take medicines longer or in higher doses than the label recommends.  If symptoms persist, it is time to see a doctor.

Be particularly careful about dosage recommendations.  With liquid medications, it is best to use a measuring spoon or a dosing cup marked in teaspoons, not a common kitchen spoon.

Avoid drug interactions.  If you are currently taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, ask your pharmacist or health care provider for assistance in choosing non-prescription medications.  Questions can also be directed to NJPIES at 1-800-222-1222.

If someone has collapsed, stopped breathing, or is convulsing/seizing, call 911 immediately. Otherwise call the NJ Poison Experts at 1-800-222-1222. Experts are available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Calls are free and confidential and help is available in more than 150 languages.

Time is of the essence in many situations since poisons and medicines may act very quickly. Having a poison expert give you exact instructions for your specific situation can help significantly during those critical first few minutes. Program the Poison Help line into your cell phone and post it near your home and office phones.

As New Jersey’s only poison control center, the New Jersey Poison Information & Education System provides information on poison prevention and treatments. Chartered in 1983, NJPIES provides free consultation through telephone hot line services and the Web. Medical professionals such as physicians, registered nurses and pharmacists offer confidential advice regarding poison emergencies and provide information on poison prevention, drugs, food poisoning, animal bites and more. These specialists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. New Jersey residents seeking immediate information about treating poison emergencies, and those with any drug information questions, should call the toll-free hot line 800-222-1222 any time. The hearing impaired may call 973-926-8008. For more information, visit or call 973-972-9280.










Donna Kenyon

Executive Editor

Greater Media Newspapers

732-358-5200 ext. 8212

[email protected]