HILLSBOROUGH: Guidance director will retire; special services chief resigns  

Hillary Charney, Hillsborough High School’s director of guidance services, will retire effective Aug. 1, after having worked in the district since May 2007.
Her retirement notice was accepted by the Board of Education on Monday night.
The resignation of Kathryn Warlick, district director of special services, effective June 30, was accepted by the board. She has been employed in Hillsborough since August 2014.
Linda Heffernan, school nurse at Triangle School, will retire, effective July 1. She has been employed in Hillsborough since September 1990.
Steven Molinaro, a physical education teacher at Hillsborough High School, resigned as head wrestling coach after 25 years, effective June 30. He has been at the helm of the Raider grappler team since September 1991.
Maria DeLucia, instructional assistant at the middle school and an officer in the Hillsborough Education Association, will retire effective July 1. She started work in the district in October 2000.
Vivian Fasano, teacher of Spanish at Auten Road Intermediate School, resigned effective June 30. She started work in the district in January 2016.
Jennifer Fraunberger, teacher of social studies at Hillsborough High School, resigned effective June 30 after working in the district since September 2015.
Larissa Kelsey, teacher of grade 7 science at the middle school, resigned effective June 30. She has worked here since September 2001.
Susan Mann, parttime teacher of special education at Triangle School, gave her notice effective June 30. She has been employed here since January.
Damian Thomas, teacher of computer support at Amsterdam School, gave his notice of resignation effective June 30. He has worked in the district since December 2015.
Eric Baker was hired as a districtwide computer technician, effective May 16 through June 30, to replace Bryan Reilly, who resigned. Mr. Baker will be paid on a pro-rated basis of an annual salary of $42,000.
The board also approved hiring Sara Menafro as a school counselor at the middle school, effective in September for the next school year. She replaces Amelia Carella, who had resigned. Ms. Menafro, who holds a master’s degree, will be paid $60,245, and it will be adjusted when negotiations settle the 2016-17 salary guide.