Jackson council approves salaries for top employees

By Andrew Martins
Staff Writer

JACKSON – The 2016 salaries for several department heads, as well as for the mayor and members of the Township Council were recently set by the governing body. Resolutions establishing the salaries were passed unanimously by the council during its May 10 meeting.

According to one resolution, council President Robert Nixon will receive $9,668. Each of the other four council members will receive $8,668.

Mayor Michael Reina will continue to receive a $29,500 salary. There is no set number of hours that the individual who holds the mayor’s position must work at the job in a given week.

Municipal clerk Ann Marie Eden and deputy municipal clerk Janice Kisty will be paid $101,183 and $51,369, respectively, after receiving a 2 percent increase. According to Jackson’s 2016 salary ordinance, the salary range for the municipal clerk is between $54,500 and $103,000.

The highest paid municipal employee, Police Chief Matthew Kunz, will remain as such with a 2016 salary totaling $207,784. That amount includes a 2 percent increase and $18,889 in longevity pay, according to municipal documents. The approved salary range for Jackson’s police chief is $95,500 to $193,000 (the salary range does not including longevity pay).

With 2 percent pay increases, Department of Public Works Director Fred Rasiewicz will move from $106,247 to $108,372; Tax Assessor Toni Nagle-Rowe will move from $99,393 to $101,380; Municipal Judge Daniel Sahin will move from $83,320 to $84,986; and Business Administrator Helene Schlegel will increase from $151,189 to $154,213.

The salary ranges for those positions are as follows: director of public works ($65,000 to $106,247); tax assessor ($54,500 to $103,000); municipal judge ($54,500 to $85,000); and business administrator ($95,500 to $160,000). The salary ranges do not include longevity pay.