County clerk: Veterans appreciate offers of discounts

By Jennifer Ortiz
Staff Writer

A recent article published by Greater Media Newspapers about a Monmouth County program that honors veterans has led numerous individuals to contact the county clerk’s office.

The program is known as “Honoring our Heroes.” Through the program, the county clerk’s office issues an identification card to veterans of the armed forces. The card is proof an individual has served and it allows the holder to receive a discount at businesses that offer one to people who have served in the military.

Monmouth County Clerk Christine Hanlon said she was pleased to see the response to the article.

“So many people came in this week. We were so happy. One gentlemen stopped me and said, ‘thank you so much for doing this for the veterans community,’ ” Hanlon said. “It seems like such a small thing we can do, but it is a big thing to them, to have this service available, and to see we are trying to promote it to different businesses.”

Hanlon said the veterans ID card can be issued through the Mobile County Connection, which visits locations throughout the county and brings government services and information directly to residents.

“We started our Mobile County Connection about a year ago and after a few trips we decided to add the veterans discount card. We bought a portable machine so veterans could get their card right then and there,” Hanlon said.

Information about the Mobile County Connection can be found at

Veterans receive a free guidebook when they visit the clerk’s office in Freehold or Neptune to obtain an ID card. The guidebook lists businesses that offer a discount for products and services.

The guidebook may be viewed at

“We are happy to be doing this because it is so meaningful to the veterans. I speak to a lot of veterans organizations … about the program, and they are so appreciative that somebody is highlighting their service on a government level and encouraging others in the community to acknowledge their sacrifices. It is rewarding because they are so appreciative,” Hanlon said. “The more we get out there, the more we hope additional businesses will sign on.”

Business owners who would like information about the “Honoring our Heroes” program may contact Hanlon at 732-431-7324 or email [email protected]