Local theaters to show film based on veterans’ struggles

“The War Comes Home: The New Battlefront” will be screened at several local movie theaters on May 24.

The film follows the journeys of young veterans Delon Beckett and Garrett Combs, and their personal battles of the wars that came home with them. For both men, within months of returning, their relationships were crumbling, their children were frightened of their rages and suicide became a choice they both thought could be a solution for their anguish.

The film chronicles their experiences and powerful transformations as they make their way through Save A Warrior, an innovative program for veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress based in Malibu, California, founded and led by veteran Jake Clark. The intensive week-long residential program includes equine therapy, training in Warrior Meditation and trust exercises.

Local theaters include Hazlet 12, 2821 Route 35, Hazlet; and Commerce Center 18, 2399 Route 1, North Brunswick.