Seniors to celebrate at end-of-year event

The Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Seniors group will host its next gathering at 1 p.m. June 10 in the church’s Monsignor Dalton Hall, Main Street, Sayreville.

After a short business meeting, the group’s May end-of-year luncheon and entertainment will take place. To reserve a spot at the event, call Mary at 732-727-5056 by June 6; orders will not be taken after that date.

Guests are asked to bring a nonperishable food donation for the St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Bank.

Final payment is due for the group’s July 26 trip to “Cabaret by the Sea.” First payment is due for the Oct. 11-13 Finger Lakes trip. Payment is due on the Nov. 5 American Music Theater Christmas Show trip. A $50 deposit is due for the Nov. 30-Dec. 2 Virginia Beach Christmas at the Beach trip.

For trip information, call Teri at 732-727-7639, Carmen at 732-254-9425 or Finita at 732-721-5081. For more information on the group, call Teri at 732-727-7639.