Videos about the D&R Canal to be shown June 7

D&R Canal videos will be featured at the Kingston Historical Society meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 7 at the Kingston Firehouse, 6 Heathcote Road, Kingston.

Society President Robert von Zumbusch will lead attendees through two videos: “D&R” produced and directed by Cliff Crawford in 1976 before the Canal Park was established, and “The Canals of New Jersey” produced by the Canal Society of New Jersey which makes comparisons to the Morris Canal.

As an architect at the firm CUH2A, von Zumbusch had principal responsibility for the D&R Canal Historic and Recreational Development Plan, which became one of the five Master Plan documents of the D&R Canal Commission; he is currently a member of the D&RCC Master Plan Advisory Committee.

The meeting is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served. For more information, visit or call 609-223-3877.