Manalapan officials pay tribute to late volunteer

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

MANALAPAN – Municipal officials took a break from conducting the regular business of a recent Township Committee meeting to pay tribute to a man who served the community for many years.

During the May 11 meeting of the governing body, Mayor Mary Anne Musich read a proclamation listing the achievements of Steven R. Levine, 59, who died on Feb. 29. In the proclamation, officials recognized and thanked Levine for his unselfish dedication to Manalapan’s residents.

Levine was a 25-year life member of the Englishtown-Manalapan First Aid Squad. His service to that agency was preceded by 10 years of service as a member of the East Brunswick First Aid Squad. In 2012, Levine also became an active member of the Marlboro First Aid Squad, according to the proclamation.

Musich said Levine was a longtime member of the Manalapan Board of Health and said his service to that board included time spent as its chairman.

Municipal officials said Levine “was instrumental in the creation, development and leadership of the Manalapan Medical Reserve Corps-Community Emergency Response Team (MRC-CERT), devoting countless hours being a lead instructor, exercise coordinator, member of the Leadership Council and responder with this team.”

According to the proclamation, Levine was “solely responsible for the creation, development and leadership of the Manalapan Teen CERT/Venture Crew 120, devoting countless hours as the adult leader, which included training, educating, influencing, coaching, advocating for, inspiring, supervising, aiding, enjoying motivating, and mentoring the youth members.”

Levine also served on Manalapan’s Cable Television Advisory Committee, the Community Services Committee and the adult board of the Teen Leadership Committee. He was active with the Boy Scouts of America, according to the proclamation.

On behalf of the governing body, Musich offered her condolences to Levine’s wife, Andrea; children, Scott and Beth; mother, Bernice; and sisters, Myrna and Marcy, and recognized him one final time for his “unselfish and dedicated service to the Manalapan community and (for) his contributions that have made Manalapan a great place to live and work in.”

“Steve Levine was the ultimate township volunteer. He was dependable and always there with a helping hand whether it was for EMS, CERT or in any way the township needed help. He will truly be missed,” Musich said.