HOPEWELL TWP.: Park’s events will use telescope, compass

The Nature Center at Washington Crossing State Park in Titusville offers these programs in May and June:
Wild edible plants: Participants from kids to adults will learn to identify and prepare some of the many native and introduced plants which earlier inhabitants of the area used to supplement their diets. Sunday May 1, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.This program will be led by plant lore enthusiast Pat Chichon of Lambertville. Bring a pair of plant clippers and a garden trowel. Advanced registration required.Family nature walk: An informal naturalist-guided trail walk for all ages. Park vehicle entrance fee applies starting this weekend. Saturday, May 28, 1-3 p.m.
Solar observation: All age can view magnetic sun storms safely through special filters via a telescope. Observe sun spots, solar flares, prominences and other solar phenomena. Learn how these storms can affect the earth as well as other interesting facts about Earth’s closest star.
Gene Ramsey and other members of the Amateur Astronomer’s Association of Princeton will lead this activity Sunday, May 29, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Clear skies required. Park vehicle entrance fee of $5 per car. Rain date: Monday May 30, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Overlook hike: Goat Hill Overlook is an outlier of Washington Crossing State Park. The 213-acre tract sits on a bluff overlooking the Delaware River in West Amwell Township and boasts commanding views of the Delaware Valley, including portions of Lambertville, New Hope and areas north and west into Bucks County.
The tract contains extensive hardwood and mixed oak forests, open fields, numerous rock outcrops, a former diabase quarry and hiking trails. Meet Sunday, June 5, at 1:30 p.m. in Washington Crossing at the park pond on Church Road and carpool to the overlook for an exploration hike. The terrain will be rugged. Wear hiking shoes and bring drinking water.
Geocache in the park: Geocaching is a treasure hunt game in which participants will use handheld GPS navigators to locate hidden objects. Bring a pocket full of inexpensive trinkets to swap when a cache is found on this guided walk Thursday, June 9, from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Participation will be limited to first come, first served for 8 year olds to adults. Advanced registration required.
Birds of the park: All ages can join Franta Broulik of Washington Crossing Audubon to walk in the park for spring and summer resident bird species on Saturday, June 11, at 8:30 a.m. Meet at the Nature Center. Park vehicle entrance fee applies.
Compass basics: Nine-year-olds to adults will learn about the protractor compass and then use newfound skills to navigate a compass course over hills, across streams, along trails and through forests to a hidden site known as “Haunted Hollow.” Bring a protractor compass, if you have one, on Sunday, June 12, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. If not, one will be provided. Advanced registration required. Park vehicle entrance fee applies.
Stream Stomp: Six-year-olds to adults can join a wet hike along a park stream in search of crayfish, salamanders, caddisflies, frogs, minnows and other stream inhabitants Sunday, June 19, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Park vehicle entrance fee applies.
Some programs are offered without registration requirements; some will require advanced registration as indicated below. All programs will initially meet at the Nature Center unless otherwise indicated. Children must be accompanied by an adult. In the event of inclement weather, some programs might be canceled. It is always advisable to call ahead before coming out. All these events are free. Phone: (609) 737-0609.
A fee of $5 ($7 out-of-state) will be charged to motor vehicles entering the park on weekends and holidays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.