Students of St. Helena’s School recognize National Police Week with special Mass

On May 13, the students of St. Helena’s School, Edison, held a Mass dedicated to the Edison police officers. The Rev. Anthony Sirianni presided over the Mass that was held to unite the school and community to show respect and praise to the Police Department. This event was held in honor of National Police Week and National Peace Officers Memorial Day which was declared in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy and Congress.

St. Helena’s students shared the history of the day and reminded everyone that police officers are regular people too until they put on their badge, and then they become heroes.

“I am very proud of our police officers in Edison,” Siranni said. He asked the students, during his homily, why they were thankful for the police and one kindergarten student said, “We love them because they take care of us.”

Siranni reminded the students to pray for police officers because they protect us, our freedom, and our lives.

The students also offered a remembrance of Officer Frank Papaianni, who made the ultimate sacrifice as an Edison police officer in 1971. Jennifer Pitoscia, teacher and coordinator of the Mass stated, “We were honored to host some members of the Papaianni family along with our town’s officers. It truly was an honor to see the students come together to form a beautiful and heartfelt Mass to celebrate police officers.”

The school choir also led a meditation hymn, igniting candles, and singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”

“It was beautiful to see the police officers sitting among the children and praying together for one another,” said Sister Charles, principal of St. Helena’s School.