Tinton Falls moves forward with road-improvement program

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — The Borough Council has selected seven borough roads that will be part of the borough’s 2016 road-improvement program.

The council introduced a $1.96 million bond ordinance during the May 3 Borough Council meeting that will fund the next round of road improvements, as well as several purchases for the Department of Public Works.

“It’s for the road program, and we are buying an automotive sanitation truck and a couple of other trucks,” Business Administrator Michael Muscillo said.

The roads slated for paving this year include Pine Street, Surrey Lane, Tracy Place, Acorn Drive, Chestnut Court, Apple Orchard Drive and Hamilton Court. The bond will also fund improvements to the public works parking lot and purchase a $240,000 automotive sanitation truck and two additional trucks totaling $70,000.

According to Muscillo, several Monmouth County roads that run through the borough are also being improved, including Asbury, Wayside and Sycamore avenues.

“On Asbury Avenue they are finishing off that last part now, and that is actually a county road,” he said. “Sycamore is supposed to be done in the near future, we are just waiting for an update from the county.”

During the meeting the council also adopted an ordinance authorizing a 15-year tax exemption for technology company Radar Properties Urban Renewal LLC, which will be occupying Building 2525 at Fort Monmouth.

The agreement will net the borough $71,250 in year one and $119,295 in the final year.

According to Muscillo, Radar Properties previously worked on the fort and moved operations to Maryland in conjunction with the fort’s move while continuing to operate an office in New Jersey.

“I guess they’ve always had an office around here, but now they are going to make this their headquarters,” he said.

Muscillo said Building 2525’s proximity to the building being occupied by data software company CommVault will make the Tinton Falls section of Fort Monmouth a technology hub.

During the meeting the council also passed a resolution awarding a $392,925 contract to Precise Construction for park improvements to Hance Park on William Street and Hockhockson Park on Hockhockson Road.

Muscillo said the contract will fund equipment improvements to the two parks and will be funded through the borough’s Open Space Trust Fund.