HIGHTSTOWN: Library plans slide show on Memorial Day honoring WWII veterans

A slide show of veterans who served in WWII from the Hightstown area will be shown at the Hightstown Memorial Library continuously from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Memorial Day, May 30.
The photos were originally displayed during the war years in “Doc” Horace O. Embley’s soda fountain and drug store (hence the nickname ‘Doc’). His store was l at the corner of Rogers Avenue and Main Street, where Morgan’s Island Grill is now located.
“Doc” was a prolific photographer, and many of his images are in the collection of the Hightstown East Windsor Historical Society. The slides are annotated with names where possible, but many are unknown.
The presentation is made possible by a grant from the Verizon Foundation and the Hightstown Library Association.