Is West Windsor government truly non-partisan?

Paul Pitluk, West Windsor
Following this year’s budget process, it is obvious that the non-partisan form of government no longer exists in West Windsor. After witnessing the last-minute amendments to the 2016 budget, many questions bubble to the surface in West Windsor’s political structure.
Before the April 18 public budget hearing, a consensus on the 2016 budget was reached in a cooperative and collegial manner by ALL of the council members. However, at the public session, when the vote was to be cast, Council President Geevers allowed last-minute amendments to be introduced. These amendments were fully supported by her Republican colleagues Hemant Marathe and Peter Mendonez. Why? What variables had changed since a consensus had been reached by ALL council members? Could there possibly have been pressure exerted by the Republican Party to cause them to change their direction?
Maybe someone should ask Linda, Hemant, and Peter what they really stand for. Are they perpetuating a charade masquerading as independents? Are they speaking their own minds … or are they being directed by others for political advantage and for future personal political gain?
We need answers to these very important questions. 
Paul Pitluk 
West Windsor 