Lighthouse International Film Festival 2016 movies now running online

LONG BEACH ISLAND – The Lighthouse International Film Festival announces the website is alive, up and running, and everything is online! All the films and film synoposis, dates, times, and prices are there. You can buy tickets online, so you don’t miss seeing your choice features, documentaries, narratives, comedies, shorts, and local themed film favorites.  See a few or see them all with an All Access Pass, but buy online!

All Access Passholders includes a pass to all films, filmmakers’ breakfasts, and nightly parties to mix and  mingle with the filmmakers. The 2016 Lighthouse International Film Festival will present one world premier, twenty premiers from New Jersey,  and a special retrospective screening! With 22 feature length films, and 48  short films, there’s something for everyone!  Be informed, be entertained, and be there!