Rebecca Nowalski

Water utility urges conservation

VOORHEES — In preparation for the summer season when lawn irrigation systems typically run full blast, New Jersey American Water is asking its Monmouth County customers to use an odd/even schedule for outdoor watering to avoid the potential of stringent summertime water-use restrictions.

“We ask our Monmouth County customers to adopt odd/even watering for lawn irrigation this summer,” said Kevin Keane, operations field manager for New Jersey American Water’s Coastal Operations.

“Odd/even watering now will help us manage a finite supply of water, yet our customers will still be able to maintain healthy lawns and vegetation. In past years, our customers have helped reduce water demands when we’ve asked, and we thank them in advance for their cooperation this year,” he said.

The suggested odd/even outdoor water-use schedule is:

• Watering the lawn or garden should occur only on odd days of the month if your street address is an odd number.
• Watering the lawn or garden should occur only on even days of the month if your street address is an even number.
• Watering should be done early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation.

These suggestions do not apply to the following situations:

• Watering of sod or newly seeded lawns if daily watering is required (it is recommended that any planting of new sod or seed that has not already taken place be delayed until the fall);
• Use of private wells for lawn irrigation;
• Commercial uses of outdoor water, such as for nurseries, farm stands, power washing, plumbing and commercial car washes;
• Watering of athletic fields.

While New Jersey American is encouraging efficient outdoor water use at this time, if water demands continue to significantly increase or supplies continue to significantly decrease, formal and stricter water restrictions may be needed to ensure continued water service.

For more information and tips on conserving water, visit