Kinsey to seek re-election to Township Committee in Millstone

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE — One Republican has announced his intention to seek a three-year term on the Township Committee this year.

Republican Bob Kinsey, who is serving as mayor in 2016, will seek re-election for his available seat on the five-member governing body.

Under Millstone’s form of government, the mayor is not directly elected by voters. Each January, the five members of the committee select one member of the governing body to serve as mayor for the year.

There is no limit to the number of consecutive one-year terms a committee member may serve as mayor.

Kinsey has been a resident of Millstone since 1994 and is a certified public accountant. He is the founder and CEO of a real estate consulting and advisory firm. Kinsey is married and has three daughters.

Kinsey, who has been a member of the governing body for 12 years, has served as mayor since 2014. He served as deputy mayor from 2006-10.

“I am honored to have had the support of the residents throughout my years of service on the Township Committee and privileged to be selected by my peers on the committee to lead the community as mayor,” Kinsey said.

“The financial issues facing the country, state and municipality will require tough decisions as we move forward and I would like to be able to continue to be a positive influence in crafting workable solutions, which benefit our residents while enhancing our quality of life in Millstone Township, the No. 1 town to live in Monmouth County,” he said.

Kinsey is joined on the committee by Republicans Nancy Grbelja, Gary Dorfman, Fiore Masci and Michael Kuczinski.

Kinsey’s selection as the GOP nominee for Township Committee will become official on June 7, the date of the primary election.

The deadline for an individual to file a nominating petition to run for the committee under a party affiliation was April 4. Kinsey was the only resident who filed.

An individual who wants to run for elected office without party affiliation has until June 7 to make that decision.