It’s time to replace those sexist and outdated road construction signs

Janelle Wilkinson, East Amwell
What a disappointment!
While driving to work on Valley Road the other day, I came across construction that closed the street ahead of me. There in front of me was a sign that stated “MEN WORKING AHEAD.” Holy smokes! Did my eyes fail me? Those signs still exist?
I’m both surprised and disappointed that Princeton still uses these sexist and outdated signs.
Although construction is still predominantly a male profession, 9 percent of workers are female, according to OSHA. These signs illustrate the overt message that women need not apply.
What do we say to our young girls who want to break this stereotype? Are they unwelcome in this type of job? These signs unintentionally reinforce the sexist notion that only men are capable of such physical work. It’s another example of the not so subtle way of disparaging women.
Alternatives such as “Construction Ahead” or “Road Work Ahead” would be a more appropriate message to all our citizens, or even signage with an image of a person working.
I would like to invite the Princeton construction department to take inventory of such signs and begin a discussion on how they can be more inclusive of all genders. 
Janelle Wilkinson 
East Amwell 