PRINCETON: Offering an alternative mayoral platform

Mark Killingsworth, Princeton
I’m writing to declare my write-in candidacy for mayor of Princeton. My seven-point platform will make Princeton great again:
1-Convert all our municipal and school HVAC systems to coal-fired power.
2-Turn Princeton Battlefield into a golf course surrounded by luxury condominiums.
3-Route the Dinky through the center of town, with stops at Library Place, the old hospital site, and the Western Section.
4-Build a wall around the town, and send the bill to Trenton.
5-Eliminate corruption, fraud and waste in municipal government.
6-Tear down the library (reading books is for losers) and use the site for luxury condominiums.
7-Abolish property taxes and replace them with something really great. 
Mark R. Killingsworth 
Princeton 