HOPEWELL: Babe Ruth League’s Bad News Bears win three times in week  

Here are week’s recreation baseball results in the Ewing-Hopewell Babe Ruth League:
— The St. John Chimney Sweeps’ Bad News Bears started strong and won, 13-1. The Bears scored six runs in the first two innings on RBIs from Luis Figueroa, Sam Fowler and Jimmy McSweeney. Five runs were added in the fourth and two in the fifth. Colavita Jewelers’ run came in the second inning. Luis Figueroa had five strikeouts for the Bears.
— Peddlers Village outslugged Colavita Jewelers, 17-7, with both teams scoring runs in most innings. Colavita had five runs in the second and two runs in the fourth on RBIs from Dakota Ditmars, Luke Sodomin, Chris Tobias and Robbie Avanzato. Peddlers Village’s tallied five in both the second and third, and four in the fourth, with RBIs from David Phillips, Aaron Longo, Russel Ingling, Maxwell Ward and Kyle Testa.
— Both Aztec Graphics and St. John Chimney Sweeps were in position to win until the end, with Aztec prevailing, 10-9. Belsky had a double in the first to drive in 2 runs. Drew Brodine had a double in the third inning. Also in the first inning, Carmen Zangrilli and Ricky Eng gunned out a runner going home. The Bad News Bears benefited from a rally in the 5th inning, on the strength of hits from Luke Blair and Jack Haynes.
— Kings Pizza defeated Peddlers Village, 9-4, in a game shortened to five innings by rain. Torres and Porpora both doubled and scored.
— St. John Bad News Bears came out on top in this rainy game, 8-4, over Colavita Jewelers. For the Jewelers, Sean Lawton, Charlie Potter, Robbie Rose and Chris Tobias riled up some hits. On the Bears, Luke Blair, Jack Haynes, Grayson Russo, Luis, Jimmy and Aiden Discordia got hits. In the 4th inning, Luke Blair hit an inside-the-park home run.
— Aztec Graphics took an exciting win in an eight-inning game against Peddler’s Village, 10-6. Both teams scored runs with aggressive base running and timely hitting to keep the lead going back and forth. The score was tied 6-6 going into the top of the eighth when Rickey Eng of Aztec Graphics started a rally and Drew Brodine, Anthony Yarson, Trevor Hvizdos and Tommy Belsky broke the tie.