Gimme a brake

By Sharon Peters
CTW Features

Q: My husband likes the automatic braking technology on his Lexus. Is this something that will get more common? We’re buying a car for our daughter in two years and would like her to have it. But she’s not getting a Lexus.

A: Almost all new cars and light trucks will have automatic emergency braking in six years.

The Department of Transportation and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety announced in March that 20 automakers (that produce 99 percent of the vehicles sold in the U.S.) have committed to making the feature standard on new vehicles no later than September 2022.

Already many carmakers, including Ford, Nissan and Subaru, offer it on some models, so you have non-luxury choices now. As we draw closer to 2022, even more will offer it.

Auto braking is often an option for which you have to pay extra at this point, but as carmakers race toward the deadline to make it standard, you’ll probably see a reduction in the extra price you have to pay, or the feature will be offered by some as standard equipment.

Q: I own a 2005 E320 Mercedes Sedan that will need tires soon. Currently I have 245 x45 x18, Potenza RE 760 tires that provide a very “hard” ride – noisy and not smooth. I’m told they are aggressive tires and hold the road well. I prefer a softer feel, and smoother ride. I’m 75 and not an aggressive driver. I know now those tires were a mistake. What’s the best method to review /search for a tire of the kind I want?

A:  You already know exactly what kind of ride you want – many consumers aren’t as cognizant as you are – so your search is simplified.

My first suggestion: call the dealership service department to find out what pleases Mercedes owners who want the same kind of ride you want with the same model of car you drive. You’re not obliged to buy from the dealership; it is obligated to answer your question. The service department regularly gets feedback from its clients so they should have good suggestions.

Also, any decent tire store salesperson knows precisely what kind of ride the various tires will provide. Talk to a couple of dealers to make sure you is getting similar recommendations.

© CTW Features

What’s your question? Sharon Peters would like to hear about what’s on your mind when it comes to caring for, driving and repairing your vehicle. Email [email protected].