Freehold Regional publication honored by professional group

The New Jersey School Public Relations Association honored the Freehold Regional High School District at its 2016 School Communication Awards.

The FRHSD received second place in the Special Interest Publication Category for its 2014 annual report. The award ceremony was held on May 20 at Rowan University, Glassboro.

According to its website, “NJSPRA’s School Communication Awards recognize outstanding print and electronic collateral material in New Jersey educational communications programs. The primary role of the professional school communicator is to disseminate important information about schools and school districts to all constituencies.

“NJSPRA developed the School Communication Awards competition to recognize professional school communicators in New Jersey – and the products they develop – that go above and beyond to disseminate important messages to the public.”

FRHSD Superintendent of Schools Charles Sampson said, “The annual report is produced to share important facts, statistics, developments and demographics on the Freehold Regional High School District’s educational system and assessments on advancement toward meeting our strategic goals. It is an honor to have this key publication recognized for the benefits it provides the community.”

The report is issued on a yearly basis as an additional and purposeful means to keep the communities served by the district informed on educational matters of importance, according to a press release.