HILLSBOROUGH: Some recycling pickups will change to Mondays 

Recycling pickups on 31 roads in the western part of Hillsborough will be Mondays, instead of Tuesdays, effective June 20.
Recycling pickups for residents living on the following roads have been adjusted to Mondays:
Beekman Lane (between River Road and New Centre Road), Brusler Place, Bush Road, Carroll Drive, Chamberlain Drive, Cope Court, Coury Road, Crane Court, Crater Road, Cruser Court, Doyle Court, Drost Lane, Dukes Parkway West (between Roycefield Road and Route 206), Eyring Road, Frey Road, Harman Court, Heitz Lane, Herder Drive, Hodge Road;
Also, New Centre Road (between South Branch Road and Roycefield Road), Old Village Road, Orchard Drive, Packard Drive, Peak Lane, Raker Court, River Road (between South Branch Road and the Raritan border), Rowland Drive, South Branch Road (between East Mountain Road and River Road), Studdiford Drive, Valis Road and VanFleet Court.
Future Monday recycling pickups will be July 18; Aug. 1, 15 and 29; Sept. 12 and 26; Oct. 10 and 24; Nov. 7 and 21; and Dec. 5 and 19. Due to the Independence Day holiday, there will be a Tuesday pickup on July 5.
A notice of the change was placed in the handle of recycling buckets of those residents who put out recyclables last week on the 31 roads affected by the change.
Affected residents are encouraged to share word of the new schedule with neighbors.
The Somerset County Recycling Division thanks residents for their patience and understanding. 