Beck rallies to oppose hike in gas tax

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — A local legislator is hoping to defeat any proposal that includes a rise in the gas tax in New Jersey.

Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) held a rally at the Tinton Falls Municipal Building on June 6 and told a group of supporters that a proposal to raise the gas tax would have a negative impact to many across the state.

“This is a critically important moment in time, as by the end of June, the Legislature, particularly my democratic colleagues, will seek to advance a 20-to-40-cents a gallon gas tax hike on the citizens of this state, and they are shameless in their approach,” Beck said. “Tinton Falls has five exits on the Garden State Parkway — my people of Tinton Falls commute to work, they have no choice.

“They don’t get a raise just because the gas tax goes up, they still make the same money they always have.”

According to Beck, some in the Legislature have proposed increasing the gas tax by up to 40 cents per gallon to replenish the state’s Transportation Trust Fund. Beck proposed in December a plan to allocate $1.6 billion over seven years for transportation. Her plan idea includes bonding and increasing Motor Vehicle Commission fines.

Beck said raising the gas tax would add to the list of high taxes in New Jersey.

“The state of New Jersey has the highest income tax, the highest property tax, one of the highest sales tax — do we need to have the fourth? Do we need to have the highest gas tax in the country?” she asked.

The present gas tax is priced at 14.5 cents per gallon.

Beck said proponents of the gas tax claim that nearly one-third of the tax would be paid by drivers from out of state, but she said that claim is unsubstantiated.

“This is an assertion that the gas tax is paid by people who are out of state,” she said. “There is no basis for that number, there is no research to support that number.”

She said gas tax increases have been rejected by two previous governors, and Gov. Chris Christie has indicated he will veto any gas tax increase unless other significant tax cuts are presented to counteract the increase.

Erica Jedynak, state director of Americans for Prosperity, said the state needs to be focused on an infrastructure plan for the entire state.

“We’ve been working to fight a gas tax for over two years now,” she said. “It’s not just enough to fight a gas tax hike, we need real transportation reform.

“Trenton has not taken the steps necessary before we can even discuss a gas tax. We have to have a plan for infrastructure, not just what a legislator wants for a pet project in their backyards.”

She also said the most impacted residents from a gas tax would be young adults who often travel longer distances to work with lower wages.

Beck said a petition opposing the gas tax proposal can be viewed at