New platform to be used for educational funding campaigns

RED BANK — Edbacker, a new online platform designed to connect school districts with donors, is partnering with the New Jersey Education Foundation Partnership (NJEFP) to support 50 education foundations that fund educational programs for their respective school districts.

NJEFP is the second state-level organization to use the Edbacker platform. Designed by technology entrepreneurs and educational advocates, Edbacker allows any entity to create and support educational funding campaigns.

Through the partnership, each of NJEFP’s education foundations will now have unlimited access to Edbacker, allowing them to easily create educational fundraising campaigns, manage donor databases, track payments in real time, run instant reports and communicate with donors. State-level staff and volunteers will be able to prioritize and identify each fundraising goal of each education foundation at a glance, saving time and resources.

“Local education foundations in New Jersey are typically run by volunteers — and we are really looking forward to having access to one platform where everyone can easily access the same information,” said NJEFP Executive Director Megan Dzwonkowski.

“Whether it’s managing our donor databases, learning about each other’s best practices, using new tools to maximize our fundraising efforts and communicating with donors, we’ve simply never had access to this information at our fingertips before. The partnership with Edbacker will make a great impact on our educational fundraising campaigns in arts, music, innovative technology and special projects and help us expand our work beyond the 50 school districts we serve in New Jersey,” she said.

“Edbacker and the New Jersey Education Foundation Partnership have very similar goals: to help solve the educational funding gap facing our nation’s schools, especially at the K-12 level,” said Edbacker CEO Gary Hensley. “We’re extremely confident that Edbacker can help NJEFP raise even more funds for schools in New Jersey, and we’re thrilled they chose us to embark on this journey with them.”

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