South River grads revisit schools during Senior Walk

Staff Writer

SOUTH RIVER — Before walking across the stage at graduation, South River High School seniors took a walk down memory lane.

For the first time, the high school seniors participated in a “Senior Walk” where they visited South River’s middle and elementary schools wearing their caps and gowns and walked in procession through the halls as younger students and their teachers looked on.

“The Senior Walk, as it is known, is meant to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their time here in South River public schools, inspire our younger students as well as pursue personal dreams and aspirations and have our graduating students connect with as well as share their future plans with former teachers,” said South River High School Principal Kamila Buffalino.

The Senior Walk began at 9 a.m. on June 16, the last day of school in South River. Because the high school, middle school and elementary school all occupy the same campus, the seniors simply walked from school to school. Once inside a new building, they followed a predetermined path established by Class Advisor Katie Minto, Middle School Principal Lisa Wargo and Elementary School Principal Wayne Sherman.

Buffalino noted that she is hoping the Senior Walk becomes an annual tradition.

“South River High School is a close-knit community, and we hope that this event will continue to foster that tight-knit feeling, excite younger students to strive high academically, further inspire our staff as well as provide a sense of accomplishment and enhance pride for our graduating students,” she said.

At the high school’s graduation ceremony later in the evening, 134 students were expected to walk across the stage and receive diplomas, according to Buffalino.