‘Survivor’ winner attends field day at Marlboro school

By Peter Elacqua
Staff Writer

MARLBORO – Pupils at the Marlboro Elementary School, School Road West, welcomed a special guest to their field day celebration on June 10.

Michele Fitzgerald of Freehold Township, who was recently crowned the winner on the 32nd season of the CBS-TV show “Survivor,” participated in field day activities with the youngsters. Fitzgerald received the $1 million prize that comes with being named the “sole survivor” on the show.

“My best friend is Brian Duggan and he is a health and physical education teacher here,” Fitzgerald said. “I have been doing a few school functions and he thought it would be a good idea for me to come because (“Survivor”) ties in with the idea of playing games and challenges and competing against other groups. It fits in with what I just went though.”

Students in each class participated as a tribe, similar to “Survivor,” and created banners and themes for their tribes. The tribes ranged from those inspired by animals such as tigers and panthers to characters in movies like “Minions.”

The children participated in physical events; some were “Survivor” themed in honor of Fitzgerald’s attendance. Events included the “Survivor” Island Relay Race, the Tiki Hut Toss, the Tug of Tribes and volleyball. A DJ led a dance party to get everyone up and on their feet.

“The children and faculty have been so excited to have me here, which makes me feel extremely welcome,” Fitzgerald said. “Everybody is chanting my name and having fun with it and I think field day in general is a fun day. To have somebody who you may have seen on TV come and have fun with you makes it extra special.”

During her visit, Fitzgerald held a question and answer session with the pupils.

“I loved the question, ‘What are you going to do with the money?’ because I would turn it on the children and ask them what they would do with it,” Fitzgerald said. “One girl said she would buy candy and I said you could definitely buy a lot of candy, and another child said he would buy a money making machine so he could make more money. Their questions and answers have been really unique and it was such a fun back-and-forth between them.”

Fitzgerald told the children it was her dream to be on “Survivor” since the show premiered in May 2000. At the time, Fitzgerald was almost 10 years old.

“I think if you have a really strong desire or dream to do something, there is no harm in shooting for it,” she said. “Just keep going, never give up and have faith in yourself. If you have a dream, especially a crazy dream like ‘Survivor,’ people are going to tell you it is stupid, that you cannot do it, that it is impossible. If you believe in it and it is something you really want, then be your own biggest fan and supporter and make it happen.

“My experience (at the school) has been wonderful,” Fitzgerald said. “It is great to get the kids outside having fun together and competing against each other. … For them to get out and get some fresh air and have fun, I think it is a great coming together experience for all of the grades.”