Eatontown council honored, praises retiring DPW Director

Staff Writer

EATONTOWN – A recent borough council meeting was filled with highs and lows as the governing body was honored for their continuous support of scouting, but also it will soon say goodbye to a longtime member of the borough family.

During the workshop portion of a June 22  council meeting, Mayor Dennis Connelly accepted a recognition on behalf of the governing body from the Eatontown Girl Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore for the governing body’s continuous support of scouting.

“I have always believed in scouts,” Connelly said. “As a police officer, I was in charge of the Exploring Program … and just really like when the girls are involved [and] when the boys are involved.

“The things that they do, it just makes good citizens, it is a great thing for their resume [and] it makes good people … and anything that this borough can do to help young people and scouting we’ll definitely do.”

During the regular portion of the June 22 meeting, the governing body also regretfully accepted the resignation of  the longtime Director of Public Works (DPW),  Frank Cannella Jr.

“[He] does an outstanding job for the borough and for many reasons he has chosen to retire,” Connelly said. “He is going to be completely missed by this borough.

“One of the things that we are known for is our DPW and the services that we provide for our residents and that doesn’t go without having a leader like Frank. … You have to have somebody that manages it and manages it well and he did and … he is going to be extremely missed.”

Each member of the governing body took a moment to reflect on their time knowing and working with Cannella, noting he was, “a great employee and a great guy,” and all wished him well in the next chapter of his life.

“I’ve spent lots of hours, lots of phone conversations with Frank over the years and the words that come to mind are ‘can do,’” Borough Administrator George Jackson said.

“He never said ‘no,’ he never said ‘we can’t’ … that was Frank’s way, serving the town, serving the council and serving our residents was his top priority … and he never let us down.”

According to Jackson, Cannella has a date of Jan. 1, 2017 for his resignation to becoming effective.

“He has done this because he has pledged his cooperation and assistance in transitioning to our new [DPW] leader,” Jackson said.

“Frank is going to aid us and assist us in finding that right person and the right fit for the borough.

“… That is the type of person Frank Cannella Jr. is, even when he is leaving he is making sure this town is protected and served well.

“He is an outstanding person, a heck of a guy, and somebody that Eatontown should really be proud to have had here as a resident and a volunteer and as an employee.”