High school senior first-place winner in technology competition

LITTLE SILVER — Red Bank Regional High School (RBR) senior Jose Ramirez of Red Bank recently won first place at the State Technology Student Association (TSA) Competition for his portfolio and model in transportation modeling.

“Last year, Jose placed third in this same competition. He worked so hard, and this year he earned the first place finish! We are so proud of him,” said Jose’s advisor, RBR technology teacher Kathryn Hawley.

At the April 16 competition, which took place at the College of New Jersey, participants used only designated materials and followed required specifications to design and produce a scale model of a vehicle that fits the annual design problem. The judges also considered appearance and realism. This year’s vehicle design was for a riding lawnmower.

Jose is a student in RBR’s Academy of Pre-engineering and a member of the TSA club, which provides opportunities to enter competitions. He is now eligible to enter his project in the national competition which takes place in June in Nashville, Tennessee. For more information about TSA, visit www.tsaweb.org.