PRINCETON: Judge denies Battlefield Society request to halt work at institute site

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
The Institute for Advanced Study last week won a round in federal court in its latest legal battle with the Princeton Battlefield Society over the 15-unit faculty housing project it intends to build.
Federal Judge Freda L. Wolfson, sitting in Trenton, on June 23 denied the Battlefield Society’s request for an injunction to stop work in and around the area of an “alleged” wetland.
“This ruling, like all the others that have preceded it in the New Jersey court system, confirms the fully compliant nature of the Institute’s application, and allows the project to proceed as planned,” the IAS said in a statement Tuesday.
The injunction request arose out of the federal Clean Water Act lawsuit the Society brought against the IAS and two of its contractors. The suit is pending, part of a long-running legal fight to stop the development of part of the Revolutionary War battlefield.
“We are disappointed in the judge’s decision, but are not discouraged,” Battlefield Society President Jerry Hurwitz said by email Tuesday. “However it is a mere skirmish in a long war that is far from over. There are many more arrows in our quiver, and we shall prevail.” 
This article was updated on June 29.