Temple Emanu-El slated July events

If you join Temple Emanu-El now, new members receive 50 percent off membership fees for two years of membership. This includes High Holy Day tickets and the many events and services the temple has to offer.
Temple events coming up include:

July 9 Shabbat in the Park — Join Temple Emanu-El for a fun and friendly musical service out of doors in blooming Roosevelt Park at the Open Grove. Bring chairs, pillows and blankets. The service will be followed by a Kiddush and is open to the entire community. They will meet at 10 a.m. at the Roosevelt Park Open Grove in Edison. Phone the Temple Office for exact meeting location and details.

July 15 Tot Shabbat — This is an age-appropriate Shabbat program for younger children up to 6 years old which also includes a Jewish-themed art/craft session. The program starts at 6 p.m.

July 22 Shabbat Under the Stars — Bring your favorite Shabbat dinner for your own family. Temple Emanu-El will provide drinks, challah and dessert. Dinner starts at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. there will be services outside, under the stars with music and song. A “berry” special oneg will follow the outdoor service; bring your own berry creation for everyone to enjoy. Visitors and friends are welcome.

Temple Emanu-El is located at 100 James St., Edison. For more information, visit www.edisontemple.org.