CRANBURY: First Presbyterian Church readies for annual Vacation Bible School

By The Rev. Hannah Lovaglio
Water: we need it for our bodies and our souls. At least, that’s what Jesus seemed to think.
When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, during the hottest hour of the day, he knew her story and he understood her needs: physical water from that well to quench her thirst and strengthen her for the journey back to town, and spiritual, living water from him to restore her soul, refresh her life and sustain her for the work ahead. He promised her both.
This summer, at the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury, a team of teachers, pastors and parents alike will join together for a week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) in hopes of teaching children from a Christian faith background about “Water All Around the World.”
The lessons around this theme will be justice-minded, socially relevant, and Biblically centered. Together children and volunteers will learn how the lives of children in many parts of the world are effected by access – or lack of access – to clean water. Each day we will look at a Bible story that tells of God’s use of water, and hear stories of children in other countries who struggle daily to have clean access to water. These stories, and God’s loving promise to provide, will be reinforced through music, crafts, games and snacks.
This VBS curriculum comes from Living Waters for the World, a nonprofit that empowers partners around the world to provide access to clean, sustainable water and health education for their communities. Donations for this nonprofit will be collected throughout the week, and a portion of the registration fee will go to the organization as well.
In addition to this water-themed curriculum, middle-school students are invited to participate in a special VBS offering this year lead by Cranbury Girl Scout Elise Root. Elise and her team of adult teachers will educate students on food justice issues closer to home.
In the summer, food pantry donations typically go down, while the need goes up as school breakfast and lunch programs are not available. The middle-schoolers will explore together how their neighbor’s needs connect to and affect their own faith and call to follow Jesus. Most excitingly, they will students will participate in a town-wide food drive to support Skeet’s Pantry, the church’s food pantry.
Vacation Bible School at First Presbyterian Church in Cranbury is July 25 – 29, from 9 a.m. to noon daily. Children ages four through eighth grade are invited to participate, and parents and grandparents are welcome to volunteer as teachers and assistant teachers. The registration fee is $30 per child (scholarships available). Childcare for younger children of volunteers will be provided.
The Rev. Hannah Lovaglio, Associate Pastor, and Cassandra Khazem, chair of the Youth Committee, are the this year’s VBS co-directors. For more information, including how to register, email Rev. Lovaglio at [email protected] or call her at the church offices at 609-395-0897.