North Brunswick resident invited to White House

Staff Writer

NORTH BRUNSWICK — A resident who was nominated as a National Teacher of the Year was invited by President Barack Obama to visit the White House.

Erskine Glover was nominated for influencing lives in the classroom and beyond and invited to visit Washington, D.C. for an award, Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack said while reading a proclamation during the June 6 Township Council meeting.

Glover has been employed by the Newark public school system for more than 20 years and has spent the last six years as principal of the Quitman Street Community School. This year, the Newark school was recognized as one of the Top 100 schools in the nation for blended learning and digital integration, Womack said.

Glover has also been involved with the North Brunswick Soccer Club for 15 years, serving as vice president of the travel league and a coach for the boys’ travel team. He has resided in North Brunswick for over 17 years.

“I appreciate the proclamation. I appreciate the honor. I hope I continue to do great work not only on behalf of my family, but on behalf of my North Brunswick community family,” he said.