Sandy Hook bird walk set for July 21

The Monmouth County Audubon Society has slated a summer evening bird walk at Sandy Hook to look for nesters and shorebirds at 6 p.m. July 21. Meet in the parking lot of the old Sandy Hook Visitor’s Center at the Gateway National Recreation Area on Hartshorne Drive, Highlands.

The trip will be led by members of the Monmouth County Audubon Society who are familiar with Sandy Hook and its birds.

“The evening is a great time to explore the quieter areas of Sandy Hook,” said Linda Mack, trip leader and past president of the Monmouth County Audubon Society. “We never know what we will discover on these summer walks — herons, shorebirds, Ospreys and gulls are all regulars — and we may be able to sneak a peek at Piping Plovers, the endangered shorebirds that nest at Sandy Hook.”

The free trip is open to both members and nonmembers of the Monmouth County Audubon Society. Advance registration is not required. Participants should bring binoculars and field guides and dress appropriately for the weather. Insect repellent is recommended. The walk will take place light rain or shine. Pets are not permitted.

The Monmouth County Audubon Society, a chapter of the National Audubon Society, is dedicated to the enjoyment and study of nature, wildlife conservation, habitat protection and education. For more information, visit