Web-based referral tool continues to help area residents

Effective immediately, individuals seeking referral help with substance use issues can access an online referral tool with access to a complete database of service providers.

Wellspring’s web-based Confidential Online Treatment Referrals tool has been updated, thanks to funding from the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders through the Middlesex County Office of Human Services. Since its original launch in 2011, the web-based Confidential Online Treatment Referrals tool has been visited by more than 1,500 individuals and provided treatment referrals to over 300.

The Confidential Online Treatment Referral tool features a self-administered questionnaire to help guide users to treatment providers in Middlesex County, and its immediate vicinity. While not intended to diagnose a substance abuse problem, the tool should provide solid referrals to available treatment. The tool uses the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Patient Placement Criteria to provide referrals to programs that are appropriate to the user’s needs. The ASAM Criteria is the most widely used and comprehensive criteria used for placement of individuals with alcohol and other drug problems. Once the referral list is generated, the user will then need to contact the provider directly to arrange for a complete assessment and intake, if appropriate. The tool is not designed to take the place of an assessment by an addictions professional, but it will take the guesswork out of where to turn for help.

The Confidential Online Treatment Referral tool is available at www.helptool.org. If someone would rather speak to a prevention professional in person, Wellspring’s Helpline is available at 732-254-3344 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

In addition to the Confidential Online Treatment Referral tool, the agency has further expanded its Online Treatment Directory. The directory now features relevant information on such items as Support and Information Services, Family Support and Education services, detox facilities, as well as in-patient, outpatient and specialty service providers. The Online Treatment Directory is also available on the Wellspring website at http://wellspringprevention.org/information-referral/treatment-referrals/treatment-directory.

The Wellspring/NCADD Self-Administered Screening Referral Tool was developed in collaboration with industry-leading web development firm MHP Multimedia LLC. MHP Multimedia LLC the company is focused on providing multimedia for the emerging Web 2.0 environment. MHP LLC is a collaboration of seasoned technical and artistic experts who are choosing to provide their expertise to clients. This has resulted in an organization with exceptional skills and experience providing superior developments at an economic price.