Writer supports rabbis who are outspoken and politically active

I entered the Rabbinate to make a change in the world. As a holocaust survivors’ kid I wanted to make ‘never again’ a reality. For more than 41 years as a Rabbi, I have been outspoken on radio, TV the press, Facebook , my published books and the pulpit. Do I recommend that young rabbis and seminary graduates do this? My answer is absolutely ‘no.’ This is a recipe for being fired, being attacked in the press and having few friends. People consider you a loose cannon.

However, some of us are born with the desire to make changes and feel that politics is essential in the Rabbinate. I did not agree with the rabbis who walked out on Trump, since I am Rabbi for Trump, however I respected them for having the guts and courage to do so. Some of the same rabbis may have or will attack me in the press and that is fine. Firing a rabbi who is excellent in the pulpit happens often for many reasons including a congregant or board who want him or her out for a political statement or action.

I pray for all of us rabbis who give our lives to our congregations and in the end get the shaft. I write this to give encouragement to rabbis who are outspoken and politically active. I am certain most will disagree with me and will state there should be separation between the pulpit and religion.

I am now retired and if I had to do it all over again, I would have tried to learn from my mistakes, however I would have remained outspoken. A special merit should go to all the rabbis’ wives and their families, and especially to those whose parents and spouses are outspoken.

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg